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St Michael’s School


4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802

St Michael’s School


Faith for the Journey


During Lent, in order to prepare for Christ’s death and resurrection at Easter, we often make Lenten intentions to fast, or do good for others. Pope Francis’ words about embracing the poor are a timely reminder of our call to help those less fortunate than ourselves during Lent and throughout the year.

Pope Francis said:

“Blessed are the open hands that embrace the poor and help them:  they are hands that bring hope.

Blessed are the hands that reach beyond every barrier of culture, religion and nationality, and pour the balm of consolation over the wounds of humanity.

Blessed are the open hands that ask nothing in exchange, with no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ or ‘maybes’:  they are hands that call down God’s blessing upon their brothers and sisters.

We are called to draw near to the poor, to encounter them, to meet their gaze, to embrace them and to let them feel the warmth of love that breaks through their solitude.  Their outstretched hand is also an invitation to step out of our certainties and comforts, and to acknowledge the value of poverty in itself.

The poor are not a problem, they are a resource from which to draw as we strive to accept and practice in our lives the essence of the Gospel.  Where the poor are concerned too many people are often guilty of a sin of omission or indifference.  Thinking it is “society’s problem” to solve, looking the other way when passing a beggar or changing the channel when the news shows something disturbing are not Christian responses.

God will not ask us if we felt ‘righteous indignation’, ‘but whether we did some good’.”

During Lent, the St. Michael’s community supports Project Compassion run by Caritas which helps support and educate those who live in poverty throughout the world. Each classroom has a Project Compassion box and we ask that you give generously to support this important Catholic charity.


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