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St Michael’s School


4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802

St Michael’s School


School News

School Social Worker Message

The last couple of months hasn’t been the easiest time to be a parent of young children! Here are some quick and easy strategies suggested by Chris Hutchinson from the Australian Childhood Foundation that might help release some of the pressure:

  1. Remember that children are not “bad” – it’s just that sometimes their behaviour is not what you would like. Congratulate yourself and your child at the times when their behaviour is what you like.
  2. Recognise the difference between the things in your life that you can change and those you can’t change.
  3. Don’t waste time and energy worrying about things you can’t change and concentrate on what you have some control over.
  4. Before you react to a situation, take a few seconds to calm yourself and think about the words you will use or the actions you will take.
  5. If you consider the effect on the other person of what you are going to say and how you will say it, you will be amazed at how a potentially explosive situation can be diffused by 10-20 seconds of silence!
  6. Look at concerns or problems or issues objectively. What is the worst that could happen if you allow it or overlook it? In the “big picture” is it worth all the stress it is creating? Maybe it’s not a problem at all.
  7. Simplify your daily activities. Prioritise tasks, keeping the children’s needs and your needs in mind. Does it really matter if the children’s clothes don’t get washed/ironed? Do you really need to go out to the shops today? What is the most important thing for you to get done today? What can you manage with your children today?
  8. Make family social activities child-friendly and appropriate to the children’s ages, this will assist in preventing stress. A three-year-old is unlikely to be able to sit still for two hours however a trip to the park or a playful activity might be easier to manage. It is not stress itself, but adults’ reactions to stress, that influence children.

Chris Hutchinson, Senior Consultant Parenting and Early Years Team at the Australian Childhood Foundation.

Lisa Mueller
School Social Worker
Available Mondays and Wednesdays

From the St Michael’s Board Chair

Dear St Michael’s Families and Staff,

I hope this letter finds you well in these uncertain and turbulent times. I am writing on behalf of the St Michael’s School Board to provide an update on how we are working to support the School during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the early stages of the pandemic, the School Leadership – Dr Galos, Mr Powles and Mrs Saunders – were on the front foot formulating plans to manage the situation on a day to day basis. As the situation escalated, the School Leadership reached out to the Board for additional support and advice. A subcommittee of the School Leadership, Board Chair and Treasurer has met weekly for the past two months to keep lines of communication open between the School Leadership and the wider school community.  It was a very positive initiative to assist in dealing with the many changes announced by Catholic Education WA and the WA Government, and I thank the School Leadership for the way they have engaged with the school community in these challenging times.

I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate all parents on their home-schooling efforts. While the teachers from the School provided fantastic support, the challenges of juggling working from home, our children’s education and all of the other demands on our lives were considerable. I have always admired the work that teachers do daily; however, my appreciation has increased markedly throughout this experience. Well done to all us for getting through it!

Last, but certainly not least, on behalf of the School Board and parents, I would like to express my admiration and thanks to the staff at St Michael’s. These incredible people have demonstrated a level of commitment to our children’s education and wellbeing that needs to acknowledged and applauded. While many parents have been and will continue to be on the front line delivering high-quality health care and other essential services (massive thanks to you too!), our teaching and support staff were also grappling with the impact of the pandemic on their own personal and professional lives. Through all of this, they still put the education and wellbeing of our children first. While words of appreciation seem immensely inadequate, to all the staff at St Michael’s, and I know all parents would agree, you have our sincerest gratitude.

While the future is unknown, I am comforted in the knowledge that we have a strong and supportive community here at St Michael’s. This sense of community will see us through this tough time and, if I could find a silver lining in all of this, will become stronger as we all reflect on what is really important in our own lives.

I wish you all the very best, and please do look out for one another.

Dave Parsons
St Michael’s Board Chair


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