St Michael’s School
4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802
St Michael’s School
School News

School Social Worker Message
Supporting your children as we try to return to a sense of normal.
As we try to return to some sense of normal following this period of Covid isolation it can be expected that children and families will manage this phase differently. Parentline in QLD and NT asked parents if they were ready to return to normal or not and approximately half were and half were not! Heading back to normal can be anxiety provoking for some children. Kid’s Helpline report that children have expressed grief and loss feelings relating to changes in lifestyle, fears that ‘normal’ won’t be the same as before Covid 19, fears of a second-wave of the virus, feeling out of control or unsafe in public, and feeling stressed by other issues such as school bullying.
To support your children who might be experiencing worry, Kid’s Helpline suggest:
- Be curious about their thoughts and feelings and actively listen to them.
- Normalise and validate their feelings – let them know that what they are feeling is normal.
- Limit their exposure to media.
- Take small steps to reintegrate back into society – some fears can be alleviated with small, controlled exposures, for example a quick trip to the supermarket.
- Problem solve any concerns together. Talk through strategies together and increase your child’s problem-solving skills so they feel empowered.
- Get back into routine – routines are familiar and safe and can help reduce anxiety.
- Focus on what you can control rather than becoming caught up in the unknown.
- Revisit social distancing rules and good hygiene practices to help your child feel more at ease and safe in public.
- Provide reassurance. Sometimes we can’t solve all of our children’s problems, but they don’t always need solutions – just to feel understood and supported.
- Explore the positives in the situation with your child.
Lisa Mueller
School Social Worker
Available Mondays and Wednesdays